Monday, December 31, 2007

Day one report

This morning I weighed 291. Yesterday I did not weigh myself but the day before I weighed 292. The day before yesterday I stuffed myself so I may have even weighed more than 292 but we will use that as my starting weight. Yesterday, with God's help, I did well. I ate about 1500 calories. I did not feel too well though. I had a headache that made me feel sick to my stomach. I took two sinus pills and two codeine tylenol an hour or so before bed and ate a huge salad and I felt better. I got up once during the night and had a piece of bread and some spaghetti. But I only had about 600 calories and only got out of bed once. God is helping me. Thank you God. I am doing this one day at a time.

Just so I remember, here are the problems that weight has caused me. I have to drag my leg up and struggle to put on my socks. I have to hold my leg by the socks in order to put my pants on and my shoes on. I have special shoe laces so I don't have to tie them. I can't keep my shoes up long enough to tie them. I have to lie back on the bed to get my pants buttoned. I have a hard time urinating; my penis is recessed into my fat. I get rashes around my belly because I have a large over hanging stomach which lies on top of my belly.I also get rashes around my groin. My back aches. My knees ache. I can't sleep well my sleep apnea is weight related. It is hard to get in and out of my car. It is hard to get in and out of bed or a chair or anything. I can hardly get up from the floor if I lie on the floor. It is hard to wipe my butt. It is hard to sit in the seats at some movie theatres. I dread going on an airplane. The arms of my desk chair push against my leg. I have hip bursitis from bumping the side of my leg on things like the chair arms. I'm over the weight limit for getting up on ladders, plu my balance is not very good; my legs have a hard time keeping my weight up. There are probably a lot more things but this is enough to remember so after I weigh less I can go back to this so I can remember.

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