Friday, December 14, 2007

The first step

How original! But I'm not trying to be original, just honest to myself and being stupid enough to share this honesty with people. I'm not sure I will really want to do this. I weighed 292 pounds on Tuesday when I went to the doctor. I'm a 5'7" 57 year-old male. I'm writing on this pink background because I know that pink is the color of health, and I am going to work myself toward health during the next year. In 2008 I am going to be enrolled in a "comprehensive weight control" program with a medical clinic in my town. So these weeks before I become involved in that I will write about some of my issues and what is bothering me at the specific time. You know I had always thought about writing and publishing. I have several short stories that I wrote in the last 2 or 3 years for a university class in writing and had thought of publishing them. So it feels weird to be writing something that may bring me ridicule or at least a certain amount of embarrassment. Recently as I was thinking about blogging, my journey and struggles with weight and becoming thinner were the most important thing on my mind, and so here I am--far from my dreams of becoming a short story writer. I'm hungry right now. In my closet is a bag of potato chips. In my car are two candy bars and another bag of potato chips. I have let myself eat as much as I have wanted recently because I knew I would get into this program for weight loss. But I have gained 30 pounds since September. One of my "problems" is doing nice things for people. My ex-foster son has no bank acccount because he has overdrawn too much. He gives me his paychecks then I dole out his money so he doesn't spend it too fast. He was going to come over to get money for cigarettes. He only has a couple of dollars in quarters. But as he was on the phone his "baby's mama" left their house, so now he has to stay home to be with the children. I told him I might drive over and bring him some cigarettes. I don't want to and yet I feel like it would be a GOOD thing to do. There he is trapped at home and being a good dad but he will get the cigarette jones at some point. So I guess I am going to phone him now and see about getting him some cigarettes. God knows I have done innumerable things for him. He owes me thousands of dollars. It has been pretty much of me taking care of him situation. Can I do it without feeling resentful? Boundary issues. I can feel other people's pain more than I feel my own. If it were me, I would just suffer through it and would try to ignore myself. But it will be hard not to help him. I just called to tell him that I was coming over with cigarettes for him, but Tionna had come back home and had brought him cigarettes. I was happy that I didn't have to go out in the cold. I did eat. I had some tuna casserole--maybe a cup and a half--about 8 ounces of soda pop about 4 ounces of cheese and several handfuls of potato chips. I have given up so much that I don't even feel bad about doing that kind of eating at 11:30 pm. About 20 years ago, I was obsessed with my weight. I weighed about 150ish. I was running every day, and felt horrible when I ate one bad thing. I was near suicidal. I had terrible remorse every morning if I would wake up during the night and eat. If it hadn't been for my daughter, I would have killed myself. I knew I could not have left her fatherless. So I had what they call cognitive dissonance. What I wanted to do and what I did were at opposite extremes and it created horrible guilt feelings. So in the last ten years I have relaxed my feelings of what I want to do and made it match more closely with what I did. In other words, I gave up on the idea of dieting or of controlling my eating. So now as I said here I am at 292 pounds and having a hard time putting on my clothes in the morning. More later.

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